Mess up Monday: Game 7


The lead that will go down in infamy. After winning two straight games in Chicago with dominant pitching, for some reason, nobody still seemed confident. The Tribe played Game 5 in Wrigley, hoping to close it out right there, but a tough 4th inning for Bauer led to 3 runs for the Cubs, just enough for a 3-2 victory. In my mind, I tried being more confident going into Game 6. Tomlin had laid down the law all post season, and our hitters crushed it at Progressive Field all year. Sadly, that wasn’t the case for Game 6, and the Cubs tied the series up at three games a piece, going into the most anticipated Game 7 in World Series history.

1st Inning

If you asked me again today if I could pick any Major Leaguer to pitch on short rest for Game 7 of the World Series, my answer would still be Corey Kluber. But for Kluber, November 1st was not his day. Dexter Fowler led off for the Cubs and blasted a first inning home run right over Rajai Davis’ out reaching glove in Center Field to give the Cubs a 1-0 First Inning lead. The Indians did not respond.

Image result for Dexter Fowler lead off homer world series

Image: (SB Nation)

2nd Inning

This inning really helped regain the fans’ confidence. It took Kluber 7 pitches to get through the Chicago lineup, looking like his former Cy Young self. The offense didn’t score any runs but had two base runners reach, showing Hendricks was still quite vulnerable.

3rd Inning

Kluber was getting knocked up a bit, but he showed his veteran leadership, stranding some Cubbies on the base paths. Kluber also got some help from Chisenhall as he threw out Schwaber aggressively heading towards second base. On the offensive side, the Indians played smart and conservatively. Crisp knocked down a double, Perez bunted him over, and Santana smacked one to right, tying the game up at 1.

4th Inning

Bryant scored on a Pop Fly to Center and Contreras hit an RBI double. Kluber was getting knocked up all game, and just looked all around tired. In the bottom half of the inning, the Indians went down in order, and ironically trailed 3-1, like the lead they use to own.

Image result for Carlos Santana world series

Image: (Zimbio)

5th Inning

For the second time tonight, Kluber’s first pitch of the inning was blasted into the seats ending his outing with only 4 IP. Miller came into the game and also seemed very. very. tired. Miller got the first two outs of the inning, but Anthony Rizzo doubled, scoring Kris Bryant, giving the Cubs a dominant 5-1 lead. In the bottom half of the inning, the Tribe had two outs, runners on second and third, and Lindor up to the plate; Lester threw a wild pitch into the dirt, bouncing up and hitting Ross in the face mask allowing Santana to score easily. But the Tribe was not done as Sarbaugh, the third base coach, also sent Kipnis home who BARELY scored, sliding under Lester’s out-reaching glove. 5-3, comebacks on. (Watch Kipnis Score Here)

6th and 7th Innings

After David Ross commited the huge error for the Cubs in the previous inning, he somehow managed to put his bat on an Andrew Miller slider and hit one out of the park to give the Cubs a 6-3 lead, slowing the Indians comeback efforts. The rest of the sixth and seventh saw minimal action. Miller and Cody Allen got the job done for the Tribe, and Lester dominated for the Cubs, 6-3.

8th Inning

Allen’s stuff was far too overbearing for the Cubs, and they went down in order to start the 8th. Lester started the inning strong, getting the first two Indians out, but Jose Ramirez grazed one through the infield looking to start a rally. Lester was pulled and the Cubs brought in their beast, The Cuban Missile, Aroldis Chapman. Brandon Guyer was the first to battle Chapman, seeing 6 straight 100 mph fastballs, but number 7 wasn’t so lucky for Chapman, Guyer hit in Ramirez on an RBI double, bringing the Indians one step closer, 6-4 Cubs. Rajai Davis now had a turn with Chapman. Chapman sent Rajai a 2-2 fastball low and inside, and Davis hit it JUST hard enough for it to clear the Left Field Wall! TIE GAME 6-6! (Watch Davis’ homer Here)

9th Inning

No action happened in the 9th, both teams did not even threaten to score, but the game was ended by rain and Indians and Cubs made the first ever tie in a World Series!…… that didn’t happen, but I would have been fine if it did.

The Cubs would go on to win the World Series in the 10th inning, 8-7, and the Indians fans were yet again sent to the Pit of Misery. Dilly, Dilly!

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Image: (Chicago Tribune)

As always, Go Tribe!

Follow the Writer: @drew_thirion


Featured Image: (For the Win- USA Today)


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